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UO Second Age Status

Players Online: 42

Per Page:
Name Kills Guild Karma Fame
Agora 0 RM -2515 9
Angelo Pappas 0 -1489 18
Artorias 0 13577 10528
Asdrubal 0 3181 2276
Balkoth 0 BJV 10774 8230
Balor 0 v0s -1370 486
balresch 0 -245 76
Bob 0 -72 2377
CorpPorOnTheFlor 23 BJV -4805 740
Day Dream 0 15000 15000
Derga 0 RM -1240 443
Elkan 0 BGZ 15000 10075
Fennac 0 0 0
GLaDOS 0 VoS -206 15
Hans the Elder 0 -3691 607
The Noble Lord Ian Anderson, Grandmaster Bard 0 BJV 4557 13018
Jack 0 -1478 25
Jenny 0 RM -40 0
Joe Strummer 0 T0R 31 203
JR Bob Dobbs 0 7 7
KalVasKickUrAss 86 BJV 3556 9550
Keith Moon 26 BJV -3332 2603
Leon 0 BJV 14564 13244
Lois Lane 0 -1564 996
The Murderer Maalik 96 BJV -3473 3227
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Last Updated:2/5/2025 8:51:05 AM